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Doillie Cooks does accept monetary compensation through affiliate links, advertising and sponsored collaborations in partnership with various brands, retailers or PR firms. Not all links are necessarily affiliate links but some are.
Posts and advertisements containing affiliate links can generate a commission on purchases made from clicking directly from this blog to the online retailer. Utilizing these links help support this website.
For example, if I link to my favorite Jar Opener and you click on that link and purchase it within a specific time frame, I may receive commission on the total amount of your order upwards of 10%. This does not affect the price you pay, the payment comes from the retailer.
All posts written are based on my own personal experiences and opinions. The information contained in the blog are for general informational purposes only. Cooking results will vary depending on brands of ingredients used, altitude where cooking is taking place, oven/air fryer/pressure cooker/microwave temperatures. These are only a few of the conditions that can affect your results.
All work is covered by copyright. Any use, copying, republication, reposting, uploading or duplicating of content, photos and material is prohibited without express written permission from the editor of this blog. Please do not use, copy or republish my content on your blogs, websites, message boards, ebay accounts etc. without receiving written permission.